One-to-One Dog Training London

A kind, fun and force-free approach to training through connection and communication that enhances the dog and owner relationship

Setting you and your dog up for Success — One-to-one dog training is available for those dog owners who need a more bespoke training package for their individual needs and/or your dog is not suited to a class environment.

  • We only use the most up-to-date, scientifically-proven, positive reinforcement training methods that are kind, fun and force free.

  • All our training has an emphasis on the dog and human relationship so that you can communicate effectively and encourage your dog to make the right choices.  

  • This also means using different kinds of motivations and rewards that are an incentive to your individual dog, for example we may use, clickers, treats, toys, play, the environment and any life rewards that encourage your dog.

  • Not every dog learns in the same way, and so training can also be about problem solving and finding the right motivations for your dog to ensure they enjoy training and feel encouraged for good behaviour.

  • All one-to-one training programmes come with a full written training plan and step by step guide to help you and your dog achieve your training goals.  

£120 per hour with full written training plans

Please use the book now button to find Paula or Louise’s diary and book direct.

Puppy Consults

A puppy consultation ensures that your puppy gets off to a great start by positively putting in place the foundations in those important early weeks.

This includes everything from

  • Toilet and crate training

  • Daily routine

  • Socialisation

  • Handling

  • Diet and nutrition

  • Enrichment

  • Preventing nipping and jumping up

  • Encouraging calm behaviour

  • Preventing separation anxiety

  • Basic training and life skills

We’ll also provide you with a personal written puppy training programme to help you settle the puppy into their new home life.

£160.00 for 1.5-hour consultation and written training plan.

£110 for 1 hour if booked to with our puppy school course.

Please use the book now button to find Paula or Louise’s diary and book direct.

One-to-One Training Packages

One-to-One training includes both practical training sessions and a full personal written training plan to help you and your dog achieve your goals.

We can help encourage good behaviours both at home and on walks, which might include any of the following:

  • Loose lead walking

  • Basic positions (sit, down, stay, drop and leave).

  • Improving recall around other dogs in busy or stimulating environments

  • Improved focus and response to you on walks

  • Socialisation

  • Impulse control when greeting people (both in and out of the house)

  • Reducing Jumping or mouthing

  • Reducing attention seeking behaviours

  • Preventing begging or stealing of food. 

  • Preventing stealing and chewing of items

  • Going to bed on cue and settle

  • Settle in a busy environment

  • Emergency stops

  • Calm meet and greets with people and visitors

£120 per hour with full written training plans

15% discount for 3 or more session booked

Please use the book now button to find Paula or Louise’s diary and book direct.

Re-homing a dog

If you’ve recently re-homed a dog and would like help transitioning them to their new family lifestyle, we can help. 

This may include anything from building a relationship with compassion and connection, reduce abandonment or separation issues, behavioural issues (see behavioural page) or just teaching them some basic communication and life skills raining both in and out of the house.

£120 per hour with full written training plans

Please use the book now button to find Paula or Louise’s diary and book direct

Preparing for a baby

A new baby is a big adjustment for everyone in the house, including your dog.

The key to ensuring a smooth relationship between your baby and your fur-baby is all in the preparation.   The work you do before your baby arrives will ensure that everyone feels safe, loved and happy and will relieve some of the pressure in those busy first new-born months.

Likewise, if you have just had a baby and your dog is behaving differently or finding it hard to adjust, such as stealing toys, inappropriate play, or becoming more needy or protective then we can help make the transition period easier for all of the family.  I am also speaking from experience with my own dogs and babies, and so will approach this in a way that is positive for the dog, time realistic for mum, and safe for baby.

£120 per hour with full written training plans

Please use the book now button to find Paula or Louise’s diary and book direct

Children and dogs

The relationship between children and dogs can be a beautiful one, and I have many happy memories growing up with dogs as my best friends.

I also enjoying watching my own children develop a strong bond with our dogs. However, this takes work and supervision from the parent to ensure safe and positive interactions and boundaries between children and dogs.

If you would like help building their relationship, or if your child feels nervous of your dog, or your dog is avoiding or reacting to your child, then I can help to build a more positive bond.  This also includes helping you to read your dog’s signals, providing safe games they can play together and involving your children in your dog’s care and training too.  All of this managed within your family lifestyle. 

One to one training sessions are £120 per hour with a full written training plan. 15% discount when booking 3 of more sessions as part of a training package.

£120 per hour with full written training plans

Please use the book now button to find Paula or Louise’s diary and book direct